To the Organizers, Attendants and Guests of the Evening


dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of Birth of Oles´ Honchar


Dear Friends!


A writer and a citizen, a war veteran and ardent fighter for peace, Oles´ Honchar has never been indifferent to the historic fortune of Ukraine, to its tragic past. He was one of the founders of Ukraine´s statehood, and is justly regarded as one of those glorious historical figures who fought for and asserted State independence.


Oles´ Honchar would have been 90 years old. He was a person infinitely amorous of life and Ukraine. One needs time to comprehend his renown.  


Let us remember Oles´ Honchar.


Let your hearts be always filled with respect for glorious sons of our history.


I wish you peace, welfare and every happiness.


Arseniy Yatseniuk


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